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Is it egocentric to believe science is the only right way of viewing the world?

Does anyone else, as an atheist, think it's egocentric to believe science is the only right way of viewing the world?

optimist 4 Oct 2

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I don't think it's egocentric, but it would be inaccurate. There are many useful and insightful viewpoints that are not scientific in nature, as well as many benefits from certain religious practices. Also, science doesn't get everything right; we're constantly disproving old theories and developing new ones. Science is a great tuning fork for testing the credibility of a viewpoint, for sure. But I wouldn't consider it a viewpoint in itself.


no its realistic but keep an open mind


Yes. If you consider the idea of thinking out of the box then many more things become possible. It's like black and white opposed to color.

SamL Level 7 Nov 4, 2017

Having an opinion about science as a world view "egocentric"? Why that association?


In my opinion, yes, it absolutely is; it's very arrogant and condescending. Being an atheist myself, while obviously not believing in god(s), I believe that as people we must learn to respect the views of other people. I'm for people doing what makes them happy and gives them hope. If a person has lost everything, and the only thing that keeps them happy and gives them hope is the belief in some sort of god, then they are entitled to do so. I meet a lot of other atheists that come across as arrogant because they seem to look down on anybody who doesn't believe like them. Live and let live.


Scientific research is ever evolving, so new data is always available. This is the only sensible way to view our known world. However, there is still so much that even science cannot explain, so I want to keep an open mind to other possibilities. I have a problem with the term "egocentric" for it leads to conceit and tunnel vision. While you put yourself on a pedestal, you might close yourself off from some wonderful people.


I don't think so. Science is truth no matter what world you're on. If all religions were completely wiped away and 1000 years passed, new ones could spring up that were totally different. However, science is timeless. What is true will always be true.

Not necessarily. I remember back in the 70's I asked my father if there was anything smaller than an electron/neutron/proton (he was a Chemist). He told me no. Now we know there are things smaller. Years ago we believed Dinosaurs were lizards. Now it's been proven they are descendants of birds. There are other examples that I know. Now I'm NOT saying that Religion is right, because it isn't. Religion is based on hearsay and myths whereas Science is based on observation, experimentation, and the resultant facts. Science is also willing to be upgraded when the facts present themselves; Religion isn't.


I don't believe so, I think it's the correct way of thinking.


dunno bout egocentric, but maybe...somewhat ignorant? everyone has their own way to look at things.


I grok it. I don't think of it as egocentric. I think of it as the ONLY way. Using critical thinking and the scientific method is the correct way to good at, and evaluate, new ideas in order to come to a rational conclusion.

I looked up the word, egocentric: concerning or overly concerned with the self, i.e., self-centered. I don't think believing in the scientific method is egocentric. Is that the word you meant to use?


If by right way you mean accurate way then no it's not egocentric. The scientific method has proven itself over and over. It's self-correcting and open for inspection. The evidence is all that counts and assertions without evidence get rejected.


There’s a term theists like to try and stick me with called, “Scientism.” It means the belief that the scientific method is the only method of gaining knowledge. I don’t subscribe to this belief, but I also cannot name any other epistemic system that comes anywhere close to the efficacy of science. I also outright reject faith as one. Until someone can present something that rivals science in accurately differentiating truth from fiction, I say it isn’t arrogant at all to hold science as the gold standard.

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