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Premiering on PBS stations tonight:


This revealing film examines how human activity is setting off dangerous warming loops that are pushing the climate to a point of no return - and what we need to do to stop them. With captivating illustrations, stunning footage and interviews with leading climate scientists as well as support from Greta Thunberg, "Earth Emergency" adds the missing piece of the climate puzzle.

Airing: 12/29/21


nicestuff 7 Dec 29

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"Emission of greenhouse gases is an example of market failure: one business enterprise passing on the real cost of doing business to people who aren't party to that business. That is most of the rest of us. ...

"Other countries have decarbonized their electricity sector in 10 - 12 years ... and those countries grew their economies rapidly while doing it. But we have to put the incentives in place."

-- Kerry Emanuel, MIT


Says. "Video not available."

I'm able to watch it here:

@nicestuff No sorry.

@Fernapple I'm sorry you can't view it.


Thanks for the tip. I’ll watch and record it.

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