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LINK Trump to Supreme Court: Jan. 6 panel "seeking evidence of criminal activity" - Axios

(I am surprised, as the whole point of an investigation is to uncover wrong doing, for purposes of preventing it from happening again. The claim is that the committee is trying to uncover wrong doing, which is their primary purpose.)

Former President Trump's legal team on Wednesday accused the House committee investigating the Capitol riot of seeking to uncover evidence that would support a criminal referral against him.

Why it matters: The brief asked the Supreme Court to consider committee chair Bennie Thompson's (D-Miss.) interview with the Washington Post as part of its effort to block the release of records to the committee, WashPost reported.

Catch up quick: Last week, Trump's lawyers asked the Supreme Court to block the release of documents and records from his administration, arguing that their release would undermine certain presidential special privileges.

snytiger6 9 Dec 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Just throw the fucker in prison and throw away the key. I'm tired of this bs. We all need to move on with our lives.

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