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LINK Three more police officers sue Trump over Capitol riot - Axios

Three law enforcement officers filed suit in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday against former President Donald Trump for his alleged role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Driving the news: Capitol Police Officer Marcus J. Moore and, separately, Washington Metropolitan Police officers Bobby Tabron and DeDivine Carter are seeking damages from civil suits, which allege the former president aided and abetted assault and battery committed by his followers against the officers.

snytiger6 9 Jan 5

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Trump is going to have over 100 law suits against him by end of the year.


It might work as a Civil suit but not as a criminal one unless The Panel manages to convict him.

Civil suits are people or organizations versus people or organizations.

Criminal suits are governments versus people or organizations.

@yvilletom cops vs 45 is people vs people.

@rainmanjr Yes, they’ll be civil suits. There won’t be a majority of Trumpists on a jury, so Trump will have to pay or go into bankruptcy.

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