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LINK California deputy district attorney who spoke out against vaccine mandates dies of COVID complications at age 46

California deputy district attorney who spoke out against vaccine mandates dies of COVID complications at age 46

By Li Cohen

January 5, 2022 / 10:07 AM / CBS News

Kelly Ernby, an Orange County, California deputy district attorney who recently ran for state assembly and regularly spoke out against vaccine mandates, has died of complications from COVID-19. The 46-year-old's death was announced on Monday by her friends, family members and colleagues.

(I grew up in Los Angeles. We, my friends and I, used to refer to Orange County as "Behind the Orange Curtains, because they used to be mostly far Christian Right extremists. In the last election, all Orange County congressional seats are now held by democrats, which is a major change for the area.)

snytiger6 9 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Serves them right.


I lived and worked behind the Orange Curtain for many years. Another one bites the dust and nobody cares.

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