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LINK Dick Cheney says he's "deeply disappointed" in GOP leadership - Axios

Former Vice President and House member Dick Cheney criticized Republican leadership while visiting the Capitol on Thursday, the one year anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Driving the news: Though he initially supported former President Trump's reelection bid, Cheney has become a critic in recent years. His daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), is one of the most vocal Trump critics in the GOP.

snytiger6 9 Jan 7

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For them to say that the Republican leadership must really suck and that's saying something


No one's all bad or all good. I consider Cheney a war criminal but his comments on January the 6th and current Republican leadership are right on.

@Lorajay It’s a weird space to be in when Cheney is the critic of GOP. To his credit he was much warmer toward gay and lesbian rights than the rest of his ilk and much earlier if I recall correctly. Even very evil people can have positive qualities I suppose.

If Trump were ever to go off on Darth that might be a clash of wrestling heels that would be an interesting watch. Trump is ignorant, incompetent, corrupt, narcissistic… Darth Cheney is pure evil incarnate. One lip scowl would turn Trump to stone.

@Scott321 the fact that his daughter is a lesbian probably had a lot to do with his acceptance of gay rights.


Any Republican whom war criminal Darth Cheney finds fault with must totally SUCK!

@DharmaBum50 Didn’t he once try to define himself out of the executive branch?

“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., when asked about Cheney's claim to be part of the legislative branch, quipped: "I always thought that he was president of this administration."

That was my take too. Shrub was his subordinate.


Not all Repubs are stupid Trump ass kissers. There might a little more hope for this country.

Correct. The other one is Kinzinger. That =2.

@freedom41 I’ve been reading George Will’s The Conservative Sensibility. He seems…well…sane.


I can't get excited that a war profiteer, and liar, is not happy with his a$$hole brother. They are roughly of the same clot, after all, and I'm offended that he showed his masked face in our Congress, again.

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