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LINK Over $5 billion in welfare spends were left unspent by states : NPR

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We're going to spend these next few minutes trying to square two facts - one, that poverty in the U.S. has gotten worse recently. According to 2020 data from the Census Bureau, a higher percentage of both children and adults are living in poverty than the year before. At the same time - and this is the other point - states are holding on to more federal money set aside for helping these people. More than $5 billion in state welfare funds remains unspent. That is according to a new report in ProPublica which found Hawaii, Tennessee and Maine hoarding the most cash per person. Hannah Dreyfus helped break the story.

snytiger6 9 Jan 13

Enjoy being online again!

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This country needs to go back to the work force that would help a lot.

If employers cared about and valued their employees, then the "great resignation" would not have happened in the first place.

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