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I am curious as to how I find posts or questions asked by others. I am using my cell rather than my computer because my computer won't let me log on with my info. Anyway, I am not finding a way to look at general posts and questions. Any suggestions out there?

AmelieMatisse 8 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this. I'll create a message, proof it publish it, and what comes out is not what I wrote. There are missing letters, missing words, duplicate letters. Sometimes the sentences hardly make sense!!!!! Anyone else. I look like a complete illiterate idiot. Idiot I don't mind, illiterate, I can't stand.


You can look at your alerts and you can follow someone if you want to stay in touch with what they post.


It's under members I follow. I'm apparently following you.


Under your profile pic it shows a list of messages, posts, etc. There you'll find a subcategory that says something like "my favorite people's posts"or my followers post". I just now discovered it because I was playing around and saw you were on my list of favorites? Anyway, I pulled up your post about this very subject. God j ad a hand in that

Yep I sort of have it all figured out at this point. I can't use my computer though as the site says my password is wrong so I just use my smartphone. I do not get all the notifications and my guess is that the site has more members than it can handle. Anyway, it works more times than it doesn't so I'm fine with it

@AmelieMatisse I have the same problem with laptop/droid.

@AmelieMatisse l can't get into my messages on my phone or onto the site if l don't go through a saved email.

@Sticks48 I'm wondering if the amount of members is clogging it up. I can see my messages but a lot of times when I try to type responses my keypad seems to stick.

@AmelieMatisse lt tells me my password doesn't match my name. I have changed my password twice and the results are the same. It was not a problem when l joined.

@Sticks48 I can't use it on my computer for that reason so I use my phone and never log out

@AmelieMatisse l don't have computer, just my phone. It is frustrating. I have messages sitting there l can't read. They are probably just letting me know l am being blocked or they think l am using this as an excuse not to respond. I can send messages but not get to mine.

@Sticks48 well that stinks. I guess you will have to send smoke signals or bug the neck out of their IT people

@AmelieMatisse l have more than once. No reply for the last two.

@AmelieMatisse So that explains why no matter the hour of the day or night I see you on here. I just thought you were a hot bot or an addict.

@Sticks48 here's an idea. Put your email address in your profile and state What the problem is. Of course you will have to wade through the crazies but it is a fix, crazy as it seems

@AmelieMatisse l might do that. Thank you for your time. ?

@Dingodog Hahaaa actually I sleep quite a lot. But it is the only way to not get lost in the shuffle. I guess this site has a few kinks to work out


Wish I could be of more help. I am also on my phone, and I simply scroll down to see random posts. It says in the tutorial to visit the "topics" page, but I don't seem to be able to locate it.

Thanks. I am doing that too but there must be a better way.

Has this site been here long? I'm not sure how I even came across it. Christina

Not sure how long it been around. I found it on FB. I haven't spent much time here, yet, but everyone has been quite pleasant.

@Coach17 yes it is a fun site with lots of ideas

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