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The referral to a GERD specialist was sent out today!

The referral to a GERD specialist was sent out today. It could take a week to hear back for an appt. I think it was better to send it today, instead of asking on my appt on Friday. Yay!

Sarahroo29 8 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Good luck. Hope you get a handle on it. Can't be much worse things than dealing with almost non-stop indigestion.

Right? They will give me something better, I hope?


Alkaline water is awesome-don’t know if it will help you. It can be hard to find at the grocery store, I found one store around my house that sells it-it’s all I buy from that store, everything else is marked up!

What is it?

@Sarahroo29 it’s a higher ph water, more basic, helps reduce acidity. It’s been great for me

@Howitstarts23 Okay. I'll look at it.


I have had this test done many times. One is given a tranquilizer and then a scope is placed in the throat area. You are usually out so you don’t feel a thing. The hilarious part for me was my late partner had to drive me to and from the hospital and as the meds. were wearing off I did a lot of rambling. She had a good time and laughed at me later. And then it was her turn and the shoe was on the other foot! I have GERD and took meds for years. Now I am off prescription drugs but on over-the-counter medications. One thing you may want to look at is personal habits and food addictions as a way of diminishing the problem. Don't let them simply push drugs on you. If you want some suggestons let me know.

My pre-workout caused my stomach to hurt. I immediately stopped it.


What’s the word? G-g-g-g-g-gerd gerd gerd Is the word
g-g-g-gerd Is the word
everybody knows about the gerd,
gerd gerd gerd Is the word



I had a Dr. treat mine with Nexium but then the insurance insisted on switching to a non-brand name med that was cheaper. Nexium's brand name status should have run out by now. As I remember, Nexium worked for me.

It's OTC now. That is why.

Yeah it works but you become addicted to it, getting worse than ever acid problems if you try to stop.

@cyndiann I had to stop taking it.

@cyndiann I had no trouble stopping (Nexium) insurance just canceled it and substituted another antacid.

@dahermit You didn't stop, you switched to another similar medicine. Because you still had heartburn right? The medicine causes heartburn. They are treating symptoms and not getting to the real cause.

@cyndiann The choice to stop/switch was not mine. I was being treated with Nexium for GERD. The insurance company stated that there "...were generic antacids available to treat heartburn...". I don't know if they even realized it was GERD being treated, not just heartburn.

@dahermit well that went right over your head.


So sorry Sarah, that you’re suffering from this condition. Best of luck!


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