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LINK Seditious conspiracy

I meant to video this rant but not getting around to it so you just get the text. Still worth it and the links are great.

rainmanjr 8 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I regret that they {each} only have one life to give for my country.


Um… maybe not the Airmen.

skado Level 9 Jan 22, 2022

They weren't injected with syph? I believe at least some were.

@rainmanjr Are you sure you’re not confusing the Tuskegee Airmen who were bomber escort pilots in WWII with the horrific Tuskegee syphilis experiments where treatments were withheld from black people already infected with syphilis?

@Scott321 I am, indeed. Apologies to The Airmen (whom I knew were heroes but I thought were injected in this experiment) and thanks to you and @skado. I hate making such mistakes in public. haha. The point, however, remains the same.

@rainmanjr Not detracting from the horrors of Tuskegee, but coupled with the 1954 CIA coup on Arbenz, this goes to show how the US viewed Guatemalans and Latin America in general (trigger warnings apply):

Adding to the Tuskegee syphilis experiments the deliberate planting of disinformation by the KGB in an Indian based newspaper that HIV was created in a US military lab, one could understand some resultant degree of mistrust toward medical authorities and hence vaccine hesitance:


It's happening. I thought it never would. I am still cautiously optimistic, or just cautious about being optimistic.

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