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Ghosts (do they exist?)

I know a lot of people don't think they do as their existence would give credence to an afterlife, but what if they do?
Not to sound like a loon but in my life I've experienced things I couldn't explain and have seen things that frighten me to this day because I couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation for what I've seen.

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AssassinofWords 5 Apr 23

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Well that's the last time I post something like this. I was hoping there'd be more open-minded people here but clearly I should be looking elsewhere.

@SACatWalker for the 99,654,762,098,342,777th time, Atheism is as much a belief, as bald is a hair color.

@AtheistNurse It wasn't about agreeing with me, I know not everyone will. But being a dick about it is a whole different story and that's what this post is about.

@AtheistNurse I know they were lol. But the culprits have been blocked so it's all good now...


Atheists that believe in ghosts piss me off.


A lot of people have a tendency to confuse open mindedness with credence. If I don’t believe in ghosts (souls, spirits, or whatever you want to call them, which by the way, I’m saying I don’t), it’s not because I’m close minded; it’s simply because I haven’t been given any credible reason to believe they exist. Same as unicorns, mermaids, or for that matter, gods. Prove to me incontrovertibly, the existence of any or all of those things and I’ll be the first one to say “Cool! What do we do with it?”


I think there is good evidence for souls (small children who remember past lives) but not of routine communication with the dead. Perhaps ghosts only occur in special circumstances, like people who meet a violent death? I'd like to acquaint myself with the literature on this subject before forming any opinion.


If I don't believe in Gods and Souls
WTF would a Ghost even be?

No clue. A ghost could be a disembodied soul? ?

@AssassinofWords If I do not find the soul a plausible concept, why the heck would a disembodied one be plausible?

@Davesnothere I don't know, I think if we could do actual research into it instead of writing it off, who knows what we'd find.

@AssassinofWords Kind of my point.
Research into what?
There is not a shred of evidence of any soul of any kind. It is an idea which exists because humans had no grasp at all of the brain and conciosness and so embodied their mind with the supernatural ability to transcend death itself, making us all effectively immortal, unlike anything else.

Why? Maybe because religions have taught that self same thing forever, that we are not part of nature, not part of the world, but something else.

Since we have no evidence of any soul, and not even a good definition of such a thing, how exactly would you research it?

Ghost of the gaps.

@AssassinofWords There's been tons of research on all things para normal at Duke University. 0 results. Check out The Amazing Randy.


Why do ghosts always appear clothed? Do clothes have a soul too?


Ghosts have modesty too lol


If ever you get the explanation won't be ghosts..Para normal bull shit is just another belief system. Dont ya know?

Or a science that hasn't been discovered yet. You have to remember all of the modern scientific disciplines (things like medicine, air travel, etc.) we know today were magic, witchcraft or simple "bullshit" to them.

@AssassinofWords You have it exactly backwards.

@Casey07 If you say so bud. I honestly don't have the energy to debate.

@AssassinofWords O.K.


The continued implementation of the scientific method in all areas of science slowly replaces the super natural thought relics of the past with tested proven knowledge. There is no empirical evidence that ghosts exist. There is only anecdotal evidence which is not falsifiable at this time due to a mere lack of progress in cosmology and quantum science. But there are several quantum multiverse theories that could explain the phenomena of apparitions. Please draw your attention to the links below. They will provide you with data supporting the proposition that apparitions are an artifact of a mutliverse construct. 👍




So you think the appearance of paranormal activity could be linked in some way to multiverse theory? Fascinating, I would have never linked the two.

@AssassinofWords Open the third (multiverse) link in my comment and go to the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. There you will read where Max Tegmark writes that, "The only difference between Level I and Level III is where your doppelgängers reside. In Level I they live elsewhere in good old three-dimensional space. In Level III they live on another quantum branch in infinite-dimensional Hilbert space." Open the links to doppelgangers and Hilbert space. These links establish the theoretical existence of parrallel entities which may somehow cross into and out of our world.


Electromagnatism is real, the soul logically is composed of boimetric electromagnatism, which is a logical process of evolution, given the known raw materials that exist in the universe. Of the billions of ways the materials could have combined in any variation of temperatures; anything can be possible, being hardlined idealistic is the start of outright denial for when proof is discovered, being open minded while awaiting proof is not hardlined thinking.

@Fanburger For now anyways. Who's to say we won't do research into it later on? If we rest on our laurels and pretend that we know everything about how the universe around us and within us works, we're no better than the Bible thumpers, don't you think?

@Fanburger This thread isn't about angels, Santa Claus or what have you. This is about ghosts and the possibility of their existence. It occurs to me that people laughed at Higgs when he proposed the theory that a boson existed yet not a year or two ago, they discovered it. Now, if you can't be more open-minded about what could be, then I feel sorry for you, honestly. How about instead of saying "grow up", why not try to "dream bigger, darling."

@AssassinofWords no


maybe there aliens

Maybe they're imprints of consciousness left behind by those who've died...

@AssassinofWords Maybe there a fart left by a fairy.


Like leprechauns, fairies, gods, angels and demons, ghosts are fictitious concepts that exist only in people's imaginations. They are used to explain things that appear to be mysterious, without going through the more complicated process of finding a scientific explanation.


Yes, the implications of a spiritual afterlife are staggering. However, I think it's wishful thinking.

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