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LINK Teen accused of repeatedly hitting victim with pipe wrench in alleged anti-gay attack

(Part of Trump's legacy is that hate crimes in every category have been up since he first announce his run in 2016, and they have yet to start a decline.)

DECATUR, Ill. — A 19-year-old man has been held on $1 million bail after an alleged anti-gay attack that sent the victim to the hospital.

Decatur police allege Ethan Dickerson restrained and hit the victim repeatedly with a pipe wrench Thursday at a Decatur home. Authorities said Dickerson allegedly threatened to kill the victim in a homophobic rant, according to The (Decatur) Herald & Review.

Dickerson faced preliminary charges of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated battery, aggravated unlawful restraint, home invasion, and a hate crime. The charges will be reviewed by the state’s attorney’s office.

snytiger6 9 Feb 22

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Fry the mutherfucker

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 22, 2022

I think he should have his toes smashed, then his knees smashed, then his hips smashed. Repeat with his fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders.


So now, maybe the bully will get to experience bullying against him.


As the mother of a gay man, my only child, this is beyond disturbing!

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