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LINK GOP House Candidate Seen Berating Cop, Calling Her 'Immigrant' During Traffic Stop | HuffPost Latest News

A Republican congressional candidate in Florida was caught on police body camera footage threatening to end an officer’s career because she pulled him over for a traffic stop.

Martin Hyde, who is running in Florida’s 16th Congressional District, was pulled over by Sarasota Police Officer Julie Beskin on Feb. 14.

In video of the exchange, Beskin advised Hyde he was driving 57 mph in a 40 zone and was also seen texting on his phone. In a combative exchange that followed, he refused to cooperate, threatened her job and asked her if she was behaving that way because she was an immigrant.

“I’ll just call your chief. How’s that? You know who I am, right?” Hyde asked her after she explained why she’d stopped him.

“Go right ahead, sir,” Beskin replied. “Yes, sir, I do.”

She then asked him for his license and registration, telling him she was just doing her job.

“Yeah, for now,” he replied.

(Do republicans now have a requirement that their candidates be assholes?)

snytiger6 9 Feb 24

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YES! Yes they do. That is now first on the list of qualifiers. Are you a totally self centered idiot with lots of money?


I don't know about an requirement, but most of them are.


Oh, yes, yes they do.......

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