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Mandela Effect & LHC

So I saw a theory on youtube, where people think CERN's LHC actually did destroy our existence with a black hole, but we (consciousness, maybe?) were shifted to the next page in the book of infinite universes and now experience things like the Mandela Effect as a result..

Even Stephen Hawking thought the LHC wasn't a great idea..

what are your thoughts? you think we could be remembering things from an alternate timeline?

Have you taken any Mandela effect tests?
Did you, too, think Nelson Mandela had died in prison back in the 90's?

I'm interested in what you all have to say xx

TheSighFiGirl 4 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Um ... no. Perhaps we should meet last year about this time and discuss it in depth.

The LHC can't generate enough energy to do that. Sorry.


I think it’s more likely that people are remembering events or situations wrong rather than hoping back and forth between universes. I need actual evidence rather than a persons personal experience.


I don't think that's likely. If there were such a dimensional shift, then everyone would remember these different details, e.g., Mandela dying in prison, but I clearly remember Mandela's release from prison. I think people are just having a bit of fun.

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