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Who is dying of COVID amid omicron surge and widespread vaccine availability?
Recent CDC data shows unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die.


xenoview 8 Feb 26

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I enjoyed the article but it frustratingly used a lot of weasel expressions like "mainly unvaccinated people" and "The vast majority of patients -- anywhere from 75% and greater -- we're seeing is primarily unvaccinated individuals who are getting COVID and wind up in the hospital severely ill and are currently dying" before showing the data charts below.

'mainly'? 'primarily'? 'anywhere from'? They make it sound like it's a speculation rather than a strongly data supported fact.

For me, they left too much space for people to make their own emotion based, 'did their own research' decisions. They didn't emphasize the collected statistical data in the central place it deserves.


We’ve had one ‘Covid death’ listed at our hospital so far this month and they were vaccinated.

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