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March 15th not far off. I wonder if Vlad is aware of what occurred 2066 years ago?

Garban 8 Feb 27

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I'm not the type to wish ill on others regardless of how much I may disagree with someone or if they're vicious psychopathetic killers, but I certainly wouldn't at all be bummed out if Putin dies "accidentally".


The United Nations needs a way to take out wanna-be leaders before they start getting rid of competitors the way Vlad has done.

If the League of Nations had taken taken Hitler out before 1937, ....

Joss Sheldon, in his DEMOCRACY: A User’s Guide tells how humans — present-day and early hunter-gatherer groups, even chimpanzees — stopped their alpha males before they became dangerous. He even described a method used by my European farm-worker ancestors. Google his name. I have a Kindle reader and liked the free sample enough to buy the book.


Vlad the Lad could not give a damn about what happened to Julius Caesar. Vlad the Lad is all about bolstering his own pathetic little ego.


Wouldn't mind history repeating itself in a similar fashion.

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