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Where did God get the feminine nature to put into women?

Where did God get the feminine nature to put into women?

The world could use a bit of femininity right now.

Helpmeet ---a helpful companion or partner, especially one's husband or wife.

A female helpmeet’s nature is quite different from a mans.

A man is to die for her. Not her for him.

In the beginning there was only God and all that is has emanated from him. This means that the female nature is incorporated into God’s image.

No man can be in God’s image, physically, because we are not androgenous the way Yahweh was. Men cannot think like women either.

Men today, like at no other dismal time in history, are sorely in need of a calming feminine helpmeet type, --- to end our self destruction, --- both ecologically and politically.

There is a female Jesus and or Goddess out there somewhere.

Nice if she would step up.


Greatest 5 Mar 5

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A good man has the strength for compromise and kindness within themselves.


Cute story just like the easter bunny.


So to sum up...GOD is BISEXUAL...😂...someone should do a YouTube video with this would go VIRAL...😂

Bisexual has a different description and definition than androgynous.

Get the vocabulary right if you want to go viral.


@Greatest actually...neither term would fit...androgynous is closer but androgynous by definition is of "indeterminate sex"...God had always been portrayed as "male"...and yet "he" had the forthought to introduce a sex that "wasn't male" ... Where did THAT thought process come from? 😂


Rest assured. SHE is risen! Lol

Ryo1 Level 8 Mar 5, 2022

All-Female Jesus Christ Superstar

@Ryo1 The Indigo Girls did JCS. They had a mixed cast.


In part explination. There is good and there is evil. There is male and there is female. Tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Here is a video that explains in original language how Adam and eve were both together all along, then the "side" cut off and they come face to face. The explination from original language is a lot better than the English translation.

Word Level 8 Mar 5, 2022

And yet nobody ever produces evidence to support the idea that this story is not pure fiction. Until you do, this gets treated like the fiction it is.

@Deb57 I understand the story may not be readily verifiable in common understanding. However claiming it false or fiction is just as much of a claim as claiming it true.

@Word wrong. The burden of proof falls to the person making the claim. if you say the Adam and Eve nonsense is true , it's up to you to produce evidence to support your argument. In saying I don't believe you, it is not my responsibility to prove it's not true. Have you never been in a courtroom?

@Deb57 your claim is that it is false. You are making a claim that you can certify that it is false. Please explain your certification that it is false.

@Word, so let's add DISHONEST to the list of what are considered "godly" traits, because you are blatantly so.

@Deb57 Dishonest means INTENT to cheat or mislead.

Because I have no INTENT to cheat or mislead it is illogical for you to assert this erroneous sin of ad hominem fallacy.

If you are going to accuse someone of such an INTENT you are required to show proof that your accusation is valid. You can attempt to show proof of your assertion which the burden is on you for your assertion that you claim I am dishonest.

Her claim is that you have offered ZERO proof of your fictitious absurdities! And the onus IS ON YOU TO OFFER PROOF, not the other way around loser…..🤠

That be why Deb stopped arguing with you! Because you DON’T have an argument. All you have is fairy tale stories. Now go back to Metabook with the rest of the flat earthers! 😎

@Word Salad, you are making claims for which you provide zero evidence, and passing them off as truths. That's pretty damned dishonest. Intent doesn't matter in this situation. You don't get to make up the rules regarding integrity and then pretend that being disingenuous is somehow noble, depending on "intent." Something is either true or it's not, and unless you produce evidence that your claim is true, I am perfectly justified in challenging that it's not. This is not rocket science.

@Deb57 you claimed it false I wanted your facts proving it false so I can use them my self. If you cannot share your facts proving it false it is no good for you or me that you make a claim it is false.

@Word you're dishonestly equating my statement that I don't believe you as a "claim." It is not. If I told you I have an invisible unicorn in my living room that shits diamonds, the burden of proof would be on me, and not on you if you said you didn't believe me.

@Deb57 what claim have I made? I am only addressing and questioning your claim. I am not claiming anything by questioning your claim. You claim false, I just ask for proof positive that its false as you claim. Otherwise, you have no grounds to tell me you know something is false.

@Word really? Your post is the claim. My goodness, you're oily.

@Deb57 my post is claim? "THE" video I posted has a man calling it "traditional stories", the word myth is often used because there are things considered unverifiable about stories. The wrong assumption is to automatically call it false for lack of verfication.

Murder detectives do not just throw evidence away because it does not immediately get a killer arrested and convicted.

The story is information and just because some aspects of the information is not readily verifiable, does not mean the story is false to just throw it away as if throwing a murder weapon away before the killer us caught to verify fingerprints on the gun.

@Word if you're trying to pass your post off as truth, and it certainly looks exactly like you are doing so, then your post is a claim. If you truly believed your god was real, I'd think all this dishonest manipulation you're attempting would be problematic.

@Deb57 no there us a difference in calling it unverified or not understood for verification, but if you call it false, that is a claim you know you can prove.

@Word more dishonesty. Go back and read my initial comment. You keep insisting that I asserted your claim is false, which is a lie. I asserted that it is fiction until you prove it is not, which is exactly how one should treat an unsupported claim. That is an entirely different thing. You might want to also look up the term "strawman fallacy," because I am tired of arguing with someone who keeps applying one.

If you claim you can fly, it isn't up to me to prove you wrong - it's up to you to show me it is true.

Unless of course, I get to defenestrate you from the 12 floor. 🙂


Oh silly, he made us out of floor sweeping, doncha know?
That's why it is just peachy-keen to treat women like shit.......


God is a fiction. Enough said.

Off topic. Thanks for showing your writing comprehension.


@Greatest Goodbye.

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