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American hypocrisy knows no end.

Archeus_Lore 7 Mar 16

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Are you saying the Pot is calling the Kettle black? You're right!


Russia is not innocent.

Yeah, where's the list of Russia's aggression? The false equivalence is asinine.

It is pretty difficult to be "innocent" when you are surrounded by the threat of NATO weapons. If Russia fomented a coup in Mexico and Canada, installed puppet governments there, and moved all sorts of arms into those two countries, Americans would be demanding that it stop, invading Canada and Mexico to prevent it, but when it comes to Russian security, they are blind to reason, or just plain ignorant.

@Archeus_Lore Murdering civilians is not "Russian security".

@Archeus_Lore, @racocn8 Murdering civilians is aggression.

Last time I checked, Neither Chechnya nor Syria (etc) were looking to join Nato.

@nogod4me You actually think that the US has invaded countries, droned people, used cluster bombs and white phosphorous, and NOT murdered civilians? That's pretty naïve.

@Archeus_Lore That sounds childish. It is wrong for anyone to do it. Just because others were wrong when they committed evil doesn't justify or validate someone who is committing evil at this very moment.
That is pretty naïve.

@nogod4me So you will gladly give up all that you have, surrender any weapons you have, and let their ringleaders steal your property, murder your family, all in the name of what is not "evil"? It is naïve to think that Russia is suppose to solve its security problems and that no one in Ukraine, acting as puppets for the US government, will oppose them? You think Ghandi can solve it or something? That's naïve, I doubt very seriously you know much about Russia. Russia has acted with grace and reserve for a very long time, but it cannot stand by while Ukraine is militarized by the USA.

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