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Not that I anticipate self entitled Americans apart from the trolls to read this article - it's published by you know who.

Ukraine is second act of NATO’s 1999 attack on Yugoslavia – Kusturica []

FrayedBear 9 Mar 22

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Frayed once again displays a prejudice view at best. Yugoslavia was only a country because it was held together by a strong man (Tito). Tito's death was the reason Yugoslavia disassembled, nothing more.

The "self-entitled" crap Frayed throws out is an ignorant comment because Frayed has no way of knowing who earned what.

Ah, alien, alien, alien! Please stop displaying your unexplained prejudice & hatred of communists & communism.
Yugoslavia was created in 1918. Why, by whom and for what purpose?
It was not until 1945 that Tito was given control & he successfully ruled for many years preventing the ultimate genocide partly occurring after his death through American fomented agitation [].
I reproduce current Wikipedia information that yet again identifies alien's duplicity:

@FrayedBear You not knowing that Tito was the only reason Yugoslavia held together after WW2 is not surprising.

Perhaps you have a "reason" that soon after his death Yugoslavia started to again display unwarrented projudices against each other.

Last "unwarranted" prejudice against communism? Unwarrented?? If you don't know the OBVIOUS reasons you are dumber than I thought you were.

@Alienbeing you are not so naïve as to think the US did not exploit the traditional hatred between Serb & Croat in order to make life more difficult for Tito? Even here in Australia the dummies knew better than to allow Serbs & Croats to dance, display their national costumes & sing their traditional songs on the same day at the annual folkloric festival?

@FrayedBear Your reply is simply wrong. Soviet Yugoslavia was formed after WW2 with Tito as the dictator. He was rather effective in his role. Slaves, Croats and Islam differences were not allowed, those that brought up the subject were sent to prison or killed. Tito did not leave an effective heir, so the old prejudices came to the surface, along with a common aversion to the Soviet system, and presto, no more Yugoslavia.

I'm sure you have your own communist viewpoint but the above is correct.

I note you didn't even attempt to defend your "unwarrented" statement.

Typical of you.

@Alienbeing wake up alien. You are spreading lies about Yugoslavia. It was formed in 1917-8 [] at a time that Tito, a squaddie, was fighting the Russians, wounded & a Russian POW. You really should get your facts straight alien - []

@FrayedBear Cite ANY lie I made about Yugoslavia. Did I ever dispute the year Yugosalvia was formed? No, I did not so why do you keep bringing it up?

I said Tito was a Socialist strongman su[[orted by the Soviet Union, who held Yugosalvia together by force, and that is A FACT.

Apparently you don't know the difference between the old Soviet Union, and Russia..... study up.


I realise I may be wrong but for a number of reasons drawing a comparison between the (in my opinion) totally illegal though effective bombing of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War in 1999 without UN approval, and what the Russians are doing in Ukraine today is a false equivalence.
Most prominently because the air strikes on Kosavo were NOT an invasion, an atrocity yes, but their was there was no intent to conquer, simply to take sides (albeit cack handedly) and end a slaughter.
It was, again in my opinion, neither a justification, nor an excuse for Russian aggression, though it might in a best case scenario, be seen as a possible mitigation for Russia's objection to the Ukraine joining NATO. However even if that is the case Russia did nothing to help Kosovo their former oblast, during this time of crisis because even they could not in good conscience reasonably justify Slobodan Milošević's ethnic cleansing of Albanian, which is why when Russia did become involved it was as a mediator.
These illegal actions by NATO could not happen today however as the result of the interference in the war was to severely curb NATO's powers to do such things again.


From a wide variety of sources, it is hard not to notice that Russian folks are being arrested (at the least) for the "crime" of using the word "war" and/or protesting/criticizing Putin in any way.

No doubt the US/western countries have no shortage of faults.
At least, access to a wide variety of sources gives us the possibility of getting a variety of POV.
IMO, this doesn't exist wrt Russian media (especially state sponsored RT).

What reason(s) (if any) would I/you/anyone look to to give ANY credibility/reliability/trust in ANY Russian media outlet (especially during Putins' WAR) ?

That must be why Julian Assange continues to be persecuted by the White House & why Russia gave Snowden asylum?
"Chris Hedges yet again writes a profound report on the importance of US hypocrisy regarding war ..."

@FrayedBear It is no surprise that Putin (and you) favor anything anti US (Assange, Snowden), but you haven't addressed the question I raised.

"What reason(s) (if any) would I/you/anyone look to to give ANY credibility/reliability/trust in ANY Russian media outlet (especially during Putins' WAR) ? "

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