... and as usual, the cops just lied about it. Luckily there's video that shows that they lied otherwise an innocent man would be in jail based on cop's lie, you know, the norm in America.
It's really frustrating to see these incidents happening. The video evidence can be a game-changer, shedding light on the truth. It's important to stand against racism and hold those responsible accountable. Let's support those who fight back against discrimination and promote awareness about these issues. And, I think it's wise to suggest staying at safer hotels in better regions check out places to stay miami to see these. I hope that helps!
Welcome to the racism and bigotry of the Deep South!
A very similar case on Judge Judy saw the employee/victim being awarded $5000. The heavily-Southern-accented old white guy that grabbed him said, "things used to be different".
I hope this victim gets compensated Big Time by both the attacker & the police!!!!!
You’ll have that on a big job.
Another attempt at normalizing racism by a racist. Thanks for playing your part.
The Indians attacked each other and regularly practiced cannibalism.
The US started with slaves. Some included white Irish children.
You’re phone was made from Chinese slaves.
If you own Nike stuff, it was made from Chinese slaves too.
I’m engaged to a black woman and I still wash the dishes and cook dinner sometimes.
I don’t care much for society in general. All races are hated equally. Well…. The middle eastern Muslim ones hold a place in my heart. The marines let me shoot a lot of them. I don’t plan to do it again, but I still kinda hold a grudge for what they did to my friends. I don’t know that I’d call it racist. Maybe religiousness. I’m rather religiousness. I’ll admit that.
What’s you’re point?
@CourtJester Your first paragraph is just racist dog whistles in an attempt to normalize racism. Usual racist tactic.
I'm amused that you think that because you're engaged to a black woman that somehow demonstrates you're not a racist. WTF cares who you're engaged to. All that proves is that you make exceptions.
Whether or not a race is "hated" is not the same as whether or not a race is "oppressed" based on the color of their skin. I don't expect you to get it, but others may be reading this.
I've already made my point to those who's head it didn't go over. You're not particularly relevant except as an example of a racist.
@redbai you’re just a honkey that’s wants to feel good by standing up to something stupid. I can say that because I’m white. Do something meaningful with your life and you’ll worry about dumb and meaningless shit much less.
She loved your “exception“ comment and said you’re the racist with zero black friends and zero idea of black culture. She said you’re just looking for a reason to feel good about the weak and unproductive life you lead.
She’s a psychologist…. And I’ve shown her several of your posts. She recommended a psychologist. We’ve determined that If you disagree; you’re a racist.
Fun date night sleeping in the livingroom playing on the phone.
What's a "honky"?
Did she also comment on how pathetic it is for you to be having her analyze internet posts? The idea that a credible "psychologist" would diagnose a person's personality based on internet posts is not only ridiculous but unethical. Why am I not surprised that you would associate with such a person?
@redbai it’s not analyzing. It’s comedy hour.
Stupid people are always just funny when you’re not getting paid to make them better
@CourtJester Then what was the point of saying she was a psychologist? Why would you point out your "black fiance" was a psychologist and had an opinion about how I was presenting myself unless her being a psychologist was relevant? She's not a comedian, so her perspective from a comedic POV is irrelevant.
Sounds like you're "black fiance" is either using her training for diagnosing people based on their internet posts or you're lying. If it's the former, I'm not surprised you would interact with someone who would do something that makes no professional sense (and I pity anyone she actually pretends to help) or she's stroking the pathetic ego of the white guy she in a relationship with; if the latter you're just a liar. Either way, I'm fine.
Why would you call me a racist without first spending time with me?
@CourtJester Because you present yourself as one.
I am so damned tired of seeing this kind of thing. It's sickening beyond words.
We should defund them. That would be fun.
@CourtJester Yeah, we agree. If we defund them then white bigots wouldn't have an armed person with the legal right to brutalize and kill non-white people based on an arbitrary metric of fear as they do now. Imagine creating a response force that doesn't assume killing non-white persons the first response to any situation, the lives it would save.
Oh wait. You're trying to be sarcastic because you don't really grasp the concept of sarcasm!
@redbai no. I grasp it completely. And it’s really not sarcasm.
I live out in BFE, own guns, and have cameras and alarms. If the liberals want to defund police, I support it 100%. Fewer police = higher murder rates in cities = fewer liberals and/or welfare and government funded citizens = more support for police.
I genuinely support defunding your police. If I could vote to take the police in your city away, I absolutely would support that.
@CourtJester Didn't expect an intelligent response and thanks for being predictable. Note how I offered an alternative that is apparently beyond your comprehension. Apparently you can't conceive of the concept of not killing non-white people's as a first response so you ignore the idea relieving you of the responsibility of addressing it. A common racist tactic.
Where are the statistics that demonstrate that "fewer police = higher murder rates in cites", that's just some shit you pulled out of your ass. Then using that shit as a premise you attempt to make an argument with more shit from the same place as your premise and then pretend you've done something special. Like a toddler showing an adult he shit in his hand expecting praise.
Now tell me how many of those cities are ran by democrats and the drop in their police forces recently.
@CourtJester run by Democrats
@Organist1 Ran, Run, Screwed over; one in the same.
@CourtJester You're really not that bright are you. That chart does not demonstrate "fewer police = higher murder rates in cites", it's just a listing of the murder rates by city. Where's the correlation between those statistics and the quantity of cops in each city? Oh, you weren't smart enough to know you needed that to make your point? DIdn't think so.
Here's a bit of information about where the murder rates are by state. Guess what? It's higher in Republican states.
"Republicans have repeatedly blamed Democratic policies in big cities for a rise in murder rates during the pandemic. In fact, Republican states are reporting much higher homicide rates and some of the highest murder rates are in cities led by Republican mayors, according to data compiled by the centrist think tank Third Way."
@redbai typical liberal. Too lazy to read or look deeper. It’s understandable. It’s equal to retardation or autism. You have no control over it. I feel bad for you and look down on you as a lesser human that offers nothing positive to society, but I understand that you can’t help it; so it’s not your fault. I’m sure you grew up without a father. It’s understandable.
@CourtJester So since you don't have anything to back up your BS about "fewer police=higher murder rates" you're reduced to meaningless insults. Did you're "black fiance psychologist" tell you it's okay to feel superior as you look down on someone you can't see? Did she also tell you I grew up without a father or did you come up with that BS on your own out of pettiness because you couldn't back up your words.
@redbai they’re not meaningless. They are meant. Totally meant.
Look up murder rate increases in New York, Austin, Chicago, etc. all the cities democrats run. All growing incredibly
@CourtJester Just because you meant them doesn't give them meaning. But then you not being very bright, I guess you wouldn't know that. And you've dishonestly changed the context. You didn't just say that cities run by democrats have high murder rates you said that it's because of a lack of police. I get that you not being able to prove that "fewer police = higher murder rates in cites" moved you to dishonestly change the context but I'm going to call your dishonesty out so that you don't get away with it.
Show me a city that’s improved from fewer police. Because the data isn’t showing it.
There was one in I think in New Jersey area somewhere. But it turned out that they cut the city police and cranked up the county police presence and gave them jurisdiction within city limits. But they lied about it well.
@CourtJester Where did I make that claim? Oh, I didn't so that's just a pathetic strawman you pulled out your ass just like you pulled "fewer police = higher murder rates in cites" from the same place. It appears to be a pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that you have nothing to backup your claims.
Whether or not I try to prove your strawman (which I won't) doesn't make your claim valid. You made a positive claim of what would happen if there were fewer police. Apparently you pulled that out your ass just as I said and it's nothing but bullshit.
@redbai you’re an odd debater. 3rd grade team I assume.
@CourtJester Oh no! The guy who couldn't back up a thing he said with any kind of evidence is criticizing me.
Now back up your claim that "fewer police = higher murder rates in cites" or admit you have nothing to back it up as an honest person would do. Well, unless you're the dishonest person I've claimed you were from the beginning.
None of this was a debate. You made ignorant remarks and I called them out. That's not a debate.
It’s basic common sense.
@CourtJester Why would you post articles that don't in any way back your claim? If they did you would quote from them. You don't because you're dishonestly hoping that no one reads the articles and sees that you're full of shit. FTR, no where in any of those articles does it demonstrate that "fewer police = higher murder rates". You're simply a liar.
You didn’t read them or didn’t gather anything from them.
So then; tell me how no police improves any society.
The same way that when you restrict guns, only criminals have guns and honest folks can’t protect themselves.
Tell me how no police helps society. From people driving 100mph through school zones (I’ll admit. I’ve got two fast cars and several sportbikes. I would love for that average cruising speed to be around 100 mph and anyone driving slow in the left lane should be burned at the stake), to employees beating their coworkers in the head with a hammer over a parking spot, to neighbors shooting each other over music at 2am.who stops it.
Tell me how your utopia works outside of the human dominance scale.
Put a lot of thought into it. I’d love to read a liberal’s taking on breaking the psychological biology of every human on earth.
And……………. GO!
It’s cool.
I’ll wait….
@CourtJester You keep waiting. Answer the question your responses keep avoiding by backing up the FALSE CLAIM that "fewer police = higher murder rates". You made the claim, prove it. I don't have to prove anything. I never said that no police helps society so why would I have to prove that? I never defined any utopia so why would I have to explain how one would work? You claimed that "fewer police = higher murder rates" and have provided NOTHING to back that up because you're a liar. You keep coming up with straw men to dishonestly distract from the fact that you lied and cannot back up your claim with a shred of evidence.
You're appearing more and more dishonest and apparently to stupid to know it.
@redbai because you can’t.
@CourtJester The chart doesn't prove that "fewer police = higher murder rates". You're a pathetic liar hopelessly throwing up strawmen hoping no one notices you cannot back up your word.
And you’re an illogical liberal that doesn’t grasp common sense. Liberal and common sense never goes together anyway though.
So if there aren’t any police; what would you do if someone broke into your house at 2am???
@CourtJester You know what's common sense? Being able to backup your word with evidence. That thing you have not been able to do.
Answer my question then.
Democrat ran cities with defunded police are the best.
@CourtJester Why should I address any of your distractions when you haven't demonstrated you're not a liar?
Because you can’t. It’s not that you wont, it’s 100% because you can’t
@redbai I’m waiting