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In Spring, men's thoughts turn to love. Why so inept?

Today's messages on Fitness Singles. From a man in Idaho-

We actually have a lot in common. Good work on the mentoring. I've written a lot about higher education and college access. My reply:

Thank you. Because you didn't bother to write a profile, I can't see what we have in common. Kathleen

From a man in Nevada-

If you see the good in people, why do you think all people who voted for Trump aren't worthy of even meeting you. All 75-million of them? Or, do you think the people who voted for Biden are the only good people. My reply:

Why are you questioning my innate optimism? Don't be silly. I did not write "I see the good in ALL people." Given how entrenched racism is, I doubt people will see others as equal in the future.

I felt optimistic when President Obama was elected. Horrifying racist backlash from Republicans -whose goal was to make President Obama fail- made me feel deeply sad. They called Michelle Obama "an ape in high heels." Trump hurt my hope for a better future. Until Republicans are voted out of office, Americans will struggle. I won't give up!

As a lifelong Democrat, I will continue volunteering as a college mentor, voting, registering voters, marching and pushing for progressive change.

Last winter, a massive snowstorm paralyzed Washington State.

Driving over an ice-covered Columbia River bridge, redneck guys in pickups acted like it was the Indy 500. Roaring around me, blasting their horns, two guys gave me the finger as I slowed for an icy curving exit. Either they were offended by my slower driving or by two bumper stickers on my back window: "Washington State Democrat" and "Keep Your Theology Off My Biology."

Displaying those signs, I am figuratively giving the finger to Republicans. Later I laughed because both of us thought the other person was an asshole. It's all in your attitude. Kathleen

p.s. One challenge in relationships is to continue seeing the good in each other.

LiterateHiker 9 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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My local pool of Fitness Singles is full of unfit rejects from Plenty Of Fat.


My matches on Fitness Singles look like a police lineup.

Men who clearly never used sunscreen. Wrinkles, wattles, age spots, bald, long white ponytails, ad nauseum.


Good grief. This is how the guy from Nevada replied:

Trump received the second most votes of any presidential candidate, only you hate them all. The leftist media has made you and many democrats not only vote exclusively democrat but hate every republican mostly with lies. Everyone now knows that the media lies. The left media lies on behalf of the left and the right media lies on behalf of the right. Both are evil. That hate is what is dividing this country driven by political lies by all media sources. Everything wrong you think is the fault of republicans because of the media you consume. Same for republicans. How naive. When you consume media, ask yourself what evidence is being presented for any opinion or conclusion or insinuation being made. The look up that evidence and see the various opinions on that. Please be informed rather than merely accepting opinions that support your preconceived hatred of the right. Your intolerance and discrimination are breathtaking, far worse than any racial discrimination in this country.

My reply:

Our beliefs and values are polar opposites. Lashing out at me is mean, immature and hateful. Kathleen


I am these high ranking members of the Trump "Brain Trust" even bother to ask ... "What's yer sign there little darlin?" ... smfh


My thoughts of love are year 'round Kathleen

twill Level 7 Apr 6, 2022

It's tough out there

That's the damn truth Bob

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