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I hate Easter - the worst part of the bronze age, messianic, apocalyptic, dead and rising god death cult called Christianity.

And shops are closed, which pisses me off.

That's all.

David1955 8 Apr 14

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Usually Easter comes and goes and I barely notice. Most stores aren't closed for Easter here in the U.S. as far as I'm aware.


But but but without Easter we couldn't have Easter egg hunts. Most importantly, little girls would not get a new Easter dress.

Yes, but easter and easter egg hunts are older than, and nothing to do with, christianity. Easter simply means "spring", and hunting for eggs in spring, comes from the time when for most people, especially the poor, eggs meant wild birds eggs hunted down in the woods and fields, when the wild birds started to nest, and even for the rich who could afford chickens and geece, those early breeds of birds went "off lay" in the winter.


Yah, but chocolate bunnies!


I hate holidays in general. Try to get as much levity as possible from them though.


When I was a teenager the shops were closed, the pubs were closed and the cinema was closed on Sundays. The only open public places were churches and parks; needless to say I preferred the parks. We never looked forward to Sundays.

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