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LINK Medical students seeking abortion training face nationwide restrictions | PBS NewsHour

Browse any medical dictionary, and before hitting appendectomy and anesthesia, you’ll find abortion.

The first two procedures are part of standard physician education. But for many U.S. medical school students and residents who want to learn about abortions, options are scarce.

And new restrictions are piling up: Within the past year, bills or laws seeking to limit abortion education have been proposed or enacted in at least eight states. The changes are coming from abortion opponents emboldened by new limits on the procedure itself, as well as a pending Supreme Court decision that could upend the landmark Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

snytiger6 9 Apr 20

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A woman shouldn't be forced to have child just because she got pregnant by a rapist, etc. There are 2 billion many people on this planet any way.


All they need to do is instruct the patient on how to order a pill for that. It can arrive in their snail mail.

Republicans are restricting abortion pills as well.

@snytiger6 I know. Since it's in mail I don't see how they can stop it. Should they manage to we can address that but, in the meantime, the pill is accessible/works/clean/less costly. Just go with it.

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