By David Horsey Seattle Times cartoonist.
This week, a federal court judge in Florida — a Trump appointee who was deemed unqualified for the job by the American Bar Association — made a shockingly broad ruling in a local case that scuttled federal mask mandates on public transportation throughout the United States.
There was a bit of a ho-hum reaction to the judge’s action since those mandates, aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, were winding down anyway. Nevertheless, the ruling still should be challenged lest it block the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from imposing another lifesaving masking requirement the next time there is a pandemic flare-up.
On the plus side, maybe this will calm the rage of anti-mask zealots who travel on the nation’s airlines. During the two-plus years that Americans have lived (and died) with COVID-19, there has been a massive increase in the number of dangerous, disruptive incidents on airplanes. Flight attendants have been bullied and beaten up by incensed passengers who have gotten so frenzied and violent that, in many cases, they have had to be tackled and restrained with duct tape. At least half of these cases involved people who refused to wear a mask.
Despite the fact that modern jets have highly effective air-filtration systems that significantly lower the chance of disease transmission, the risk is not eliminated entirely. While the airplane sits at the gate or taxis on the runway, the air inside is compromised. At any point in a flight, if a symptomatic person is sitting close by, the diseased droplets they are expelling with every breath may get to an unmasked person before the filtration system can do its job.
So, mandate or not, it is still not a bad idea to wear a mask when flying. It is not hard to imagine, though, that any knuckleheads who were heretofore inclined to bite and punch fellow travelers to protest the mask mandate may not suddenly learn manners. Be prepared for taunts if you are wearing a mask. Keep your cool in the face of arrogant stupidity and remind yourself that, if that mask keeps you from being sick when you arrive at your destination, mockery is a small burden to bear.
There was a story this morning on NPR about the mask mandate and the ruling is being appealed. One thing mentioned in the report was the the judge who made the ruling was judged as being unqualified when she was installed by POS tRump. Previously SCOTUS has determined the CDC was able to make decisions which protect society from deadly disease. Despite all the kerfuffle about this the mandate is due to expire the beginning of May but stopping such judgements is still important as they set dangerous precedents.
It was horrifying to see the video of a mid-flight announcement, where several passengers took off their masks hooting and hollering with a breathy "Hooray" and twirled their used masks around in the air, letting all their exhaled particles fly around the plane. It was just a rude thing to do surrounded by possibly immune compromised people. Wow, they won their right to remove their masks, so why couldn't they just do so gracefully and quietly with respect to those around them.
The mid-flight announcements were irresponsible without thought to those who may have chosen not to travel if they were aware that people would remove their masks halfway through the flight. I live in a state that "welcomes" 30,000 new arrivals from out of state every day. Many of the travelers are elderly or very young, so might have made a different decision if it were known that the flight would become maskless.
I'm not saying it's not time for some mandates to be eased, but a bit more advanced notice for planning of those with weaker immune systems would have been nice. I will still be wearing my mask on flights and in crowded indoor settings, not just for my own health, but out of respect for any others in my close proximity who may need to be extra careful of their health at this time.
Love David Horsey! I wonder if the airlines might might follow the lead of the NYC transit, a mask is still required to ride the subways, buses and trains - for now anyway.
As to the increase in violence. Just read an article about a junior league baseball game where the pitcher attacked the batter who had just hit a home run off him. Yeah, teenager throws a bad pitch and then tackles the runner as the runner heads to home plate. In fucking junior league baseball. In Texass of course.
Who the fuck raised these people?!?!?