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How long are your dreams ?. I'm convinced mine last between 10 - 60 seconds but from TV and films they suggest dreams can last hours maybe more .

Simon1 7 Apr 25

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Don't know...I'm usually too busy sleeping!


Not sure how long, but I wish they could be longer, I love my flying or hovering in the air dreams.


I have flash moments for dreams. Some a couple of seconds at a time. Never more then 5 seconds. Then theres a break in my dream were i analyze it like im remembering what i just saw or thought i heard and im still asleep. Ive woke myself up saying its just a dream.


Difficult to say without some monitoring device. Time is compressed with you are sleeping so it is very difficult to measure. You probably don’t remember all of your dreams. The best recent book on that subject is “Why We Sleep”, by Matthew Walker. This is a very good read.


There is no time inside the brain, your can dream 5 minutes of dream over a few hours, or weeks in an instant.


Don't know. Never been awake to time them !

Lol fair enough but I was thinking you could guess

@Simon1 I don't like guessing games, I always come out secound bes.t


Mine can feel like hours even though I know it's only a few minutes as I wake up often and see the clock. Too bad it's typically a nightmare. 😟

Admin Level 9 Apr 25, 2018
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