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I grew up with my younger brother being born deaf, and we had our own sign language that nobody else knew. So I can relate to this very well. How wild is it that a whole town of people did it. I know our native Americans had their sign language. But I don't know of any other Anglo Americans that had such a thing. I could be wrong, I haven't really looked into it yet. But this is a cool bit of history all the same. [] And it was in "Martha's
Vineyard.... so you know it was a GOOD thing. šŸ˜„

Captain_Feelgood 8 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Iā€™m deaf and hear with the aid of 2 cochlear implants, one put in in 1989 and the other in 2012 when it was an outpatient procedure. Perhaps your brother needs a cochlear implant as well.

He passed away in 2019, but his problem was not something the implant would have helped anyway. He had cerebral nerve damage. Rest assured, we looked into all options. šŸ˜žšŸ‘

@Captain_Feelgood Sorry to hear that about your brother.

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