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I’m really enjoying this whole Build Back Better campaign. Democrats are a real freakin comedy routine.
This is a beautiful train wreck.

CourtJester 7 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Picture on the left is from 2014, pandemic caused, amazing you would blame a trump caused shortage to try to blame the Biden very trumpian, republicianish, fake news, uneducated, dumb, stupid, clownish of you....people like you are fucking up my America, if on purpose, you're a damn traitor...if thru stupidity, you're a moron,and too stupid to have an opinion so SDASTFU..


These are pictures of what shelves looked like under Trump for all the people dumb enough to think OP's pictures mean anything.

Haha. Sure

@CourtJester Right there in my gallery dated March 12th, 2020, 3 years into Trump's presidency. What else ya got, wonderboy?


But we’re no longer in the Covid uncertainty. This is normal day “shit ain’t there” situations.

@CourtJester stfu dumb ass

Typically response from someone without a logical rebuttal.

@CourtJester He posted his logical rebuttal above and apparently found that you are using fake pictures. I think this was just a bonus "You're a fucking asshole".

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