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Are we doing it yet?

St-Sinner 9 May 4

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Interesting, isn't it? People can carry guns to kill you in Florida but a woman can't ''kill'' an embryo.

Aborting a mindless glob that has never breathed air is wrong, but a policeman executing a Black man for a traffic stop gets a complete pass.

@racocn8 EXACTLY! I watched some ignorant little girls carrying on about ''they're dismembering children IN THE WOMB" while the cameras sucked up their nonsense. An embryo has no limbs to destroy....right? Nor a brain which has self-awareness...or a pain response.

An embryo begins making limb buds, but the brain is pudding. Embryos have no consciousness with which to perceive pain. Actually, the brain simulates consciousness from a state comparable to dreaming. The percent of time dreaming drops from 90% to 50% at birth and drops to 20% thereafter.

@racocn8 WE know that....but the deliberately ignorant prefer to imagine cute little embryonic ''Gerber babies'' bouncing around in utero from day one!

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