Chances are excellent that Ginnie Thomas is the one that leaked the decision. It makes perfect sense that she would do it.
Yeah, I think it was a Republicon. They were too quick with the Whataboutism. Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain. Making worman second class citizens again. Just when Democrats were rising in the polls, and May primaries started. Your theory could very well be right. And they all know an investigation will come up with nothing.
I heard that possibility too. If there is an investigation, and it turns out that Ginni Thomas is the one who leaked the draft document, it might have been to solidify the votes for the draft "as is" for those who may have wanted to soften it a bit.
And IF it does turn out that a clerk or spouse of a justice is the leak, does that mean that justice would be disqualified from voting on it? If that is the case, I would surely hope it was a conservative who leaked it...
IF it was a liberal clerk or spouse who leaked it, would the same disqualification be delivered? That's another conundrum, since then it would be seen as a call for help and protest.
I'm thinking IF it was a conservative who leaked it, we will never hear the truth about it. We will only hear if it was a liberal, and there could be consequences for that, although the liberals are on the losing side of the vote. The reasoning or goal of the leaker should be taken into consideration. Very curious, for sure!