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In at least 5 states with abortion trugger laws, rapists and their families can sue.

Open SmartNews and read "Anti-abortion legislation in 5 states gives rapists and their families the right to sue abortion providers for at least $10k" here: []
To read it on the web, tap here: []

Beowulfsfriend 9 May 8

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Unless you want to lose your credibility here, don't post everything these on-line rags publish.

There's a legal term for it, but for anyone to sue, they have to show they experienced a harm.

BTW, I clicked on your smartnews link once and saw so much trash that I won't again click on anything you post.


Think of the potential GRAFT around this.


Wow, you would have to be a real asshole to approve of this. There is a principle of law that you can't sue on the basis of something that is illegal so I wonder how they got around that. I wonder just how much the incidence of rape will increase now that the government has provided incentive.

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