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How can you look at new things in an old light?

AstralSmoke 8 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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The older you get the easier that becomes.


Good question.


Light an Aladdin's lamp in a department store?

It's a fact that I knew if you answered, you would give me something like this. You rarely disappoint. But I was thinking of a way we actually do this. If we encounter a completely new product, we make associations with already existing products. Possibly look at the material it's made from, the design, the use, the possible downside, the environmental impact, etc.

@AstralSmoke, I think we tend to do this more as we get older, and more nostalgic. I tend to think the past becomes more important to us the longer we live, and it's something natural we connect with. In terms of consciously doing it, I think being knowledgeable of the past, with some depth of understanding regarding how things were made and used, is a good way of seeing through the lens of time.

I'm not sure about you, but I'm only middle-aged.

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