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LINK Wisconsin voters with disabilities say their right to vote is at risk : NPR

Twenty-seven years ago, Martha Chambers was injured in a horseback riding accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down.

"I use my mouth to do a lot of things — like that mouth stick there, I use for those remotes and that keyboard," she describes while giving a tour of her apartment in Milwaukee, Wis.

Come election time, that's also how she fills out her absentee ballot.

"I have the ability to put a pen stick in my mouth, so I can fill it in and I can sign the ballot and ask a witness to witness my ballot," she says. "They would have to place the ballot in the envelope and actually put it in the mail or take it to the clerk. It would be difficult for me to put a ballot in my mouth and put it in a mailbox; I couldn't reach that mailbox."

But Chambers doesn't know if one of her caregivers will be allowed to return her ballot in the next election because of an ongoing legal battle in Wisconsin.

snytiger6 9 May 10

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That just shows that how repubs don't give a fuck about minorities or people different than them.


It has to be made illegal because of widspread feelings about Trump and the last election. Some people believe if Trump was still prez that we would have cheap gasoline. They also believe that he destroyed child trafficing tunnels underneath Washington, DC.

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