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While the opposite is true in the US,
Non-Christian Europe: ‘Christianity as default is gone’

KateOahu 8 May 10

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While it is known as one of the most secular countries in the world, Denmark's official religion is Christianity (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark), and about 85% of the Danish population is Evangelical Lutheran. However, it has been long established in Denmark (and other countries like Denmark) that while freedom of religion is protected by law, no religious groups have a say in political decision-making. This is probably a major factor in realising a secular society.

Ryo1 Level 8 May 12, 2022

Europeans look at the US with its Bible-thumping Evangelical Christians and just shake their heads.

As do I.


It's a start. 🙂

Betty Level 8 May 10, 2022

I think that even in USA people are starting to be non religious, it is just that there it is happening on a slower pace.

The Public Religion Research Institute's 2020 Census of American Religion showed that the overall decline of white Christians in America had slowed, stabilizing at around 44% of the population, compare to 42% in 2019


That's a huge consideration.

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