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Father Patrick O'Halloran goes into darkest Africa to convert the natives to the True Catholic faith. He meets Ngomo and Mbagwe.

Patrick talks Ngomo into being baptised, and the baptism begins. He plunges Ngomo into a vat of water, and pulls him out.

Patrick: "Do you believe?"
Ngomo: "I believe" at which point Patrick immediately plunges him back into the water..

Patrick pulls him out and asks "Do you believe?"
Ngomo: "I believe..." only to get plunged back into the water again.

Patrick pulls him out again and asks "Do you believe?"
Ngomo: "I believe".

Mbagwe: "Hey Ngomo, what do you believe?"
Ngomo: "I believe this bastard is trying to drown me."

anglophone 9 May 13

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Good one. 🙂

Betty Level 8 May 13, 2022

Thank you. I first heard it from a Dutchman who was a family friend about 40 years ago.

@anglophone Then it qualifies as a classic. 🙂

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