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skado 9 May 28

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That sense of entitlement that they grow up with, after being overly indulged, is just as toxic as growing up with neglect.

Deb57 Level 8 May 29, 2022

This meme doesn’t mention, and is not promoting over-indulgence.
If you equate an atmosphere of love and support sufficient for healthy development, on the one hand, with neglect, on the other, then, I’m sorry, but that’s just a distortion of the facts of reality.

@skado not all the shooters were denied love, attention, and things. If we go around stereotyping all criminals as lacking and deprived of love, we are painting a false picture. It's just not that simple.


I’m not suggesting it’s simple. I’m just pointing out that there’s some middle ground between overly indulged and underly indulged. I think it would be pretty close to impossible to scientifically assess whether any given individual was properly “loved” as a child. But, excluding the relatively rare physiological mental impairment, kids who were provided with an adequate developmental atmosphere don’t go out and murder children for fun.

That is an expression of anger and alienation that does not grow in a properly supportive home environment.


Yep. It takes a village, where family life might be lacking.


Online forums and social media have continued to serve as vital tools for spreading racist ideologies, misinformation, conspiracies and hate. It's led to the rapid radicalization of people like the alleged Buffalo shooter, Payton Gendron, according to an ABC News analysis of what authorities have identified as Gendron's writing.

"The online environment serves terrorists in several very valuable ways," said Daniel Byman, a professor at Georgetown University and a senior fellow at Brookings Institute. "It gives them very easy reach. Ideas kind of ricochet around the world very rapidly and people can form communities around the world."

Gendron said he was radicalized in recent years after engaging with white supremacists online, according to a document authorities say details his plans and motives that has been reviewed by ABC News.

These documents show Gendron self-radicalizing when the pandemic began, spending inordinate amounts of time reading hate posts on social media, a senior law enforcement source briefed on the case told ABC News.

In the months and weeks leading up to his alleged attack on the Buffalo supermarket mass shooting, he became increasingly violent in tone on online platforms, according to the source.

In the document allegedly detailing his plans for attack, he expressed racist and antisemitic sentiments and declared white supremacist conspiracies as his motive behind the attack.

"Violent extremists are increasingly using social media for the distribution of propaganda, recruitment, target selection, and incitement to violence," FBI officials Michael C. McGarrity and Calvin A. Shivers said in a 2019 statement to the House Oversight Committee during a hearing on white supremacy.


A large share of the mass murder events are in schools. Now what group has sought to defund and undercut public education? Does that group support politicians that prevent gun legislation which would reduce these atrocities? (Pro-life?!!!) And remember that a large share of the other mass murder targets are similarly denounced and hated from the pulpit: Blacks, Gays, Jews,...

Mass murders serve the purposes of the Evangelical White Supremacists, and a goodly share of shooters are racists or bigots. Christian Nationalists have a stranglehold on the GQP, and these shootings serve their interest in intimidating those deemed as lesser. Even with Biden as president, we have slipped into an authoritarian fascist state so long as the police departments side with the neo-Nazis.




While I partially agree with that, I suspect a big factor in all the problems we face in society begin in the home with one's family. If most people grew up in a stable environment with adults who were there consistently to guide them along the way during life's trials, I think most of them would become productive enough members in society so that "collectively taking care of needs" would not be necessary as the individual could readily provide for themselves in which to also then contribute to society (paying taxes etc). That would also include not making college education a requirement in order to be able to earn a comfortable living.

The other problem I've observed in society that probably is contributing to all of this greater harm would be the fact that we as a whole have become very intolerant and unforgiving of one another, which in turn has led to an increase in intense bullying. Day to day if one were to look hard one could find numerous subtle and not so subtle incidents of bullying and or the promoting of a bullying mentality. Politics are a good example, look how our elected representatives treat each other, at times openly insulting and dehumanizing each other. Mainstream media sources would follow close behind on that, taking jabs at and cutting up media competitors (think CNN & FOX News being at each other's throats for example). And it goes on and on, small wonder why so many kids these days grow up dysfunctional and thinking they're superior in some way(s) to the next kid. Please note my restraint on various types of addictions, in particular drug addictions, which are also a big factor contributing to the ills in society.

Guns are hardly the villain in society, and as the above meme suggested I do think that violent crime would be considerably lower if we focused our attention more on finding solutions to the problems I just mentioned. Of course, at times like this emotions take the pilot seat and dictate to people instead of logic and reasoning, and the one argument side goes on the offensive towards the opposing viewpoint, and said opposing view in return goes on the defensive, resulting in once again going around in circles and accomplishing nothing meaningful. The type of society as suggested in the meme would sure be ideal, but at this point admittedly I hold out little hope that the situation will ever improve like that anytime soon. Hope I turn out to be wrong about that though, that's one time I wouldn't mind being wrong.

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