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Paul Pelosi gets arrested for a dui after having a car accident. He somehow gets off with only misdemeanor charges. If that isn't corruption then idk what is. Guy is driving his new porche drunk, gets into an accident. His bail was only five thousand dollars too. []

Tejas 8 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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This is a good reminder that as we age alcohol affects us differently than it used to.

It almost sounds like Mr pelosi had a glass of wine with dinner and it slowed down his reflexes too much. Fortunately no one was hurt. I wonder if he got special treatment or if California's alcohol related laws would have done the same thing for anyone else in that position.

Here is the law for first-time DUI's in California. Let's hold our judgment until we find that how this case is handled.



I live in Napa County and will get the backstory. Probably several versions.


I learned not to care what relatives of famous people do back when Billy Carter should try it!

Are you responsible for your friends/relations actions?

@Garban I have to fess up that I bought a six-pack of that back then, aiming to keep it as a collectible. However, when I eventually fell upon some hard times financially, I was forced to drink it. Total weaselpiss, brewed by the Falls City Brewing Co. in Louisville. I was shocked a few years ago to see Falls City at a pub in Lexington, and it wasn't bad. I was told it was the pre-Prohibition recipe.

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