Last week, an 18-year-old walked into an elementary school and, as law enforcement officers inexplicably waited outside, murdered 19 children and two teachers. Unless you’ve been cut off from the outside world, you undoubtedly already know this. But the horror seems worth repeating, not only in light of Republicans’ steadfast refusal to do literally anything to stop these types of events from occurring, but a forthcoming decision from the Supreme Court that is expected to flood the country with even more killing machines.
The case in question is New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, which involves a 1913 law that requires someone who wants to carry a concealed gun in public in New York to have a license to do so, and in order to obtain said license, prove that they have “proper cause.” In New York, that “proper cause” can’t be some vague fear of violence but a credible threat against that person’s life, and one that cannot be mitigated in other ways. Subsequently, it means the odds of the accountant in line behind you at the Chipotle on Seventh Avenue and 38th Street having a handgun on him is a lot lower than his counterpart in Dallas, where, thanks to Governor Greg Abbott, anyone can carry a gun without a license (or a background check, or training). A lot of people living in New York like this setup and, presumably, the flip side is at least one of the reasons they would choose not to relocate to Texas or one of the other states in this country where conservatives care more about embryos than they do living, breathing things. But the plaintiffs in NYSRPA v. Bruen are challenging that 1913 law, so that when you go out for lunch in Manhattan, or Brooklyn, or Albany, or Rensselaer—where they hail from—you have you to worry about whether the person sitting next to you is carrying a loaded weapon just for the fuck of it.
Sarcasm warning: "Yeah, like the other 95% of the world respect American's rights to invade other countries, have their agents foment insurrection, civil war, genocide, arm foreign terrorists to revolt against the democratically elected governments of foreign countries, pay for foreign mercenaries to invade other countries, promote fascism, racial & religious hatred?"
I hope the Supreme Court rules in favor of the New York Rifle association! Its crazy that New York can deny a citizen with no criminal record a concealed carry permit! I my self can carry legally in 38 states but New York is not one of them. It’s about time those liberal assholes in New York respect the 2nd amendment!!
Sarcasm warning: "Yeah, like the other 95% of the world respect each neighbour's rights not to have a neighbour invade them, have agents foment insurrection, civil war, genocide, arm foreign terrorists to revolt against their democratically elected governments, pay for foreign mercenaries to invade them & promote fascism, racial & religious hatred? You mean that sort of right?"
Is that why the Jan 6 demonstrators were jailed?