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LINK Firearm suicide among America's youth has hit its highest rate in 20 years, report finds

As the debate over gun policy has once again moved to the forefront following a string of mass shootings, a new report by Everytown for Gun Safety is shedding light on another aspect of gun violence impacting children: suicide.

The report, published on Thursday, found that the rate at which children, teens and young adults are dying by suicide by use of a firearm has increased faster than any other age group over the past decade. According to the group, firearm suicide among ages 10 to 24 is at its highest rate in more than 20 years.

snytiger6 9 June 3

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  1. Bullets are Final.
  2. Easy! Just get your parents gun out of the closet, it's probably fully loaded already.
  3. Escape from a world where your desires are going to be criminalized/punished seems attractive......and reasonable too.

I subscribe to the idea that, in almost all cases, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Why would it not be? We "adults" obviously don't care about them unless they're doing something "cute."

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