I think I opened some eyes this past weekend. I was in a park where zealots had a PA set up with two mics for anyone who wanted to debate them. They brought up a lot of issues, but when it came to them downing any form of gun control, I got applause for my words. I'll try to convey the conversation as best I can:
Them: We don't need gun control because the guns alone don't kill people. It's abuse of guns. It's not the guns' fault.
Me: We should legalize heroine, cocaine and meth, then...the drugs don't kill people. It's abuse of the drugs. It's not the drugs' fault.
Them: Well, now, you're talking about controlled substances. That's not the same thing.
Me: Oh, yeah, that's right! They're quite controlled because of how deadly they can be. People actually give a damn about that. There's all these programs, safety measures, preventatives. It's pretty cool.
Them: Okay, okay...I see what you did there...yeah, I guess, I can't really speak to that.
They just jumped into another topic...religious stuff...I called out those contradictions, too.
Mind you, I don't hate guns or ownership, but after pulling bullets out of my house because just any moron is allowed to have them...it's beyond obvious that tighter policies are needed. Do something instead of just arguing all of the time, at least.
That's hilarious that you got to actually debate them and shoot (pun intended) holes in their arguments. Most Repubs just either cut you off or start calling you names or talking about God or the Constitution once you shoot down their policy bullshit. Not surprised they moved on to religion, so they would not have to back anything there with facts or logic. I hope you blew their whole Thoughts And Prayers bullshit out of the water if they brought it up. It doesn't surprise me that most of us are more intelligent and better educated as well, than most of the Repub followers.