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This is a political post so I expect it's going to tank cuz politics doesn't perform well here but what the hell. Here it is anyway.

If the Rs take the House and Senate in Nov and they either win or steal the presidency in 2024 then come 2026, are we going to be a Republican dictatorship? Maybe by 2030? Point being, the Rs seem to have have abandoned democracy as their preferred system of government and greatly prefer fascism so how far are we from the end of America as we know it if the Rs win or steal back the power?

Just speculating based on what I know of the Rs and it looks good for them in Nov so I'm thinking where this could go in a worst case scenario.

Sgt_Spanky 8 June 14

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That does seem to be the plan, then ban elections, disband other political parties and then just become openly fascist, instead of being covert about it.

To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus.

*Macbeth Act 3 Scene 1.


I think we are nearing the last of elections in America, which are all we have had left for quite some time, as democracy here, at the federal level, has been an empty shell ever since the 1990s. I think the Repubs will be ruling the country, at least at the fed level, for good after 2024.

To think, this country was brought low by an unflushed turd like Donald fucking Trump.


It’s looking that way.

skado Level 9 June 14, 2022

You're premise is possible. They've rigged the system in their favor. I have no solution. We can only hope that things don't go that terribly.

I believe this country is its final throes of democracy and starts to become a fascist conservative shithole starting in Nov. In a few years things like, social security, unemployment insurance, and the ACA will all be gone.

@Sgt_Spanky Individual liberties will be severely impacted, the country will be even more unsafe than it is now, and equality for many will be taken away. It conservatives win it will become a slow death for this country while they gleefully exclaim "we owned the libtards".

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