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Middle-aged and elderly people who cannot balance on one leg for 10 seconds are almost twice as likely to die within 10 years than those who can, research suggests. How are you?

An interesting correlation.


FrayedBear 9 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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This is another of those, "If you hand is bigger than you face, you're more likely to catch cancer" moments


I'm good for another 30 year being above average dancer.


Well dammit, now you’ve inspired me to practice standing on one leg!

Strangely 4 years ago it transpired that I had done myself a favour by learning to balance, during the previous six years, on one leg.
The favour - within 15 hours of having knee replacement surgery I was striding the hospital corridor forwards & sideways with only my old walking stick used the previous 15 years for assistance. Not only that I was doing full squats to within 6" of the floor.
Apparently I made local medical history & they changed patient pre-op procedure because of my example.
Never got any credit or recognition for it despite saving them at least $10,000 in my case alone. $ millions in everyone else's savings.

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