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While Europe is sweltering, we are freezing. Canberra, Australia.

Jolanta 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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We might be having the best weather on the planet here in Hawaii, but we had huge south swells along with King Tides this past weekend. Ocean front properties, luaus and weddings got hit pretty hard, floral arrangements, chairs and tablecloths went woosh! Glad I was working on the north shore, where it was calm.

Temperature is very comfortable though. No need for my air conditioner, so maybe I should send mine to Europe! Sorry I don't own a heater of any kind to send to Australia!

I am lucky that I have central heating in my house but it is cruel going out.


But it is still technically winter down there😉

Although, I was in Sydney and Cairns the past couple of weeks and it was cool and rainy in Sydney but very delightful in Cairns........

Yes, weather up north is lovely it is down south that the winter is in full swing.

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