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LINK A Satanist got a Kansas school to rethink its anti-'Satanism' dress code

Most school districts have rules about how students’ clothing shouldn’t be revealing, or sex-related, or suggestive of “gang affiliation.” No surprise there. But the dress code for Hays Middle School in Kansas specifically bans references to “Satanism.” ...

snytiger6 9 July 22

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The silly thing about Satanism is that it has nothing to do with Satan. It is only an adolescent “gotcha” reaction to Christian fundamentalism, elevating the Christian bogeyman image as a reversal of the Christian mythology, with no purpose other than to provoke the Christians.

So they are taking their imagery from Christianity, and mirroring the fundamentalists’ habit of ignoring its symbolic content. But their “seven tenets” are identical to actual Christian tenets: compassion, kindness, truth, etc.

Humans are almost as much fun to watch as cats.

skado Level 9 July 22, 2022
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