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Scientists establish link between religious fundamentalism and brain damage

Poseidon 6 July 27

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Well...I hope they develop a test. Wouldn't it be nice to disqualify politicians from holding an office of power as well as anyone in a position of authority. Just wishful thinking on my part.

Betty Level 8 July 27, 2022

I am highly intolerant of religious fundamentalism regardless of whether or not it is caused by or associated with brain damage.


Teaching religion to children was always child abuse. Now we know it is much worse, and we can see the effects of having broad swaths of the population succumb to this damage by being manipulated and exploited.

This kind of damage provokes the memory of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World where the government created various classes or castes by exposing fetal brains to alcohol. (or something like that)


I still prefer Dr. Darrell Ray’s analysis of religion as a virus in his excellent book: The God Virus.

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