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LINK Public libraries face new attacks from conservative Christians

(A while back I read about a librarian who worked in the Alexandrian library in in the times of early Christianity, where a group of Christians flayed (skinned) her alive, partly for being a part of the library and party for being an educated woman. Ever since I read about that, I have thought it was most likely that it was Christians who set the library on fire which burned almost all the books, as it also was a time when Christians were trying to destroy books they considered to be blasphemous.)

A few stories about conservative Christians coming after public libraries:

Voters in Jamestown Township, Michigan chose to defund the library, depriving it of 84% of its 2023 budget. Unless that decision is reversed, the Patmos Library will be forced to shut down sometime next year. The reason the vote failed? Because conservative Christians in the community didn’t like that some of the books featured same-sex couples. ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 8

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Hearing bs like that makes me glad I left religious bs behind and started my journey of enlightenment.

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