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thinking about buying an EV:
When the Model T came out, it was a dramatic improvement on the horse and cart. The electric car is a step backward into the equivalence of an ordinary car with a tiny petrol tank that takes half an hour to fill. It offers nothing in the way of convenience or extra facilities.”

callmedubious 8 Aug 10

Enjoy being online again!

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We live in rural enough AZ that we were afraid we'd have range problems with a straight EV. Maybe when the infrastructure gets more established we'll go that way.

We brought home our new Ford Escape hybrid about a month ago and so far we love it.


wrong about what?

i just posted the article & didn't comment on it.

can you refute any of the comparisons?

Why bother to refute comparisons when the writer's assumptions are so manifestly unsupported?


Ah but you are so wrong. I've been driving an EV for four years now, and would never"go back"

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