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LINK Gender dysphoria is protected by the ADA, court says

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) extends protections to people with gender dysphoria, a federal appeals court found this week. The opinion, issued Tuesday, marks the first time any federal appellate court has considered whether gender dysphoria — distress experienced by many, but not all, transgender people due to their body not aligning with their gender — should be a protected disability under the ADA.

The opinion enables trans people living with gender dysphoria to use federal disability laws to protect them if they live in states covered by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit — Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Other courts could agree with the precedent, although they’re not obligated to do so. ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 19

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IMO a slippery slope...will it bring back the horrors of "fix them" camps, now paid for with Federal $$$$?

I think it may go the other way, and classify the "fix em" cmps as discriminatory and hostile towards persons with disabilities.

Perhaps some Christians may not see it that way, but their abysmal "success rates" in ten yer follow up studies is leas than 1%, while the suicide rates for participants in close to 3%. It will be very difficult for them to continue to defend such programs. Several states have outlawed them altogether.

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