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LINK Judge cites 'Stranger Things' in Florida 'Stop WOKE Act' decision

Imagine that. Bigots wrote a stupid law.

redbai 8 Aug 20

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I love the synopsis of the article:
The "Stop WOKE Act" is a crown jewel of the DeSantis administration — a perfect encapsulation of the conservative movement’s bigotry and self-proclaimed victimhood. Now it’s starting to receive the legal scrutiny it deserves.
Kudos to the judge, this time.


The courts are again trying to put on the brakes to all this idiocy. Unfortunately anything that is eligible for this US Supreme Court will not be affected in the long run.


How much crazier can it get????

Things will continue to get crazier unless and until the crazies currently in power are forced to recant by the courts. The current SCOTUS terrifies me.

Unlimited unless voting all of them out happens.

@Detritus RIGHT!

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