This is just me venting. Feel free to ignore my dumbass personal problems but I feel the need to vent so here goes.
Going through a divorce after a 17 year marriage. I'm not going to get into all the bullshit as this would be quite long. A divorce agreement was worked out through my attorney and was signed by me, the ex (pro se) and the judge and filed with the clerk's office. It was done on July 12th. I still have yet to get the divorce decree but that's another story, courts are SLOW. According to everyone I've spoken to at the court house as well as my attorney the divorce was finalized July 12.
The ex filed a motion asking the court to change the maintenance from what it is now to what the IL statutory requirement is for a 17 year marriage. The agreement states she gets maintenance so long as she gets child support which is around 15 months.
I'm figuring I'm going to have to retain another attorney as I'm no longer using the one I had. On it's face it seems a ridiculous motion. She's just asking for something with absolutely no reason(s) given.
I just wish the bitch would go away and leave me the fuck alone. In any event it's my strong belief that she's a narcissist. I'm no expert and not qualified to diagnose anyone but it all fits ever so perfectly. Maybe one day she'll give up as I give her no attention and have no contact with her whatsoever. I even gave up any contact with my 16 year old daughter just to be away from it. I'm out, entirely. Just pisses me off that I'm likely to have to spend $3K plus to fight off this type of complete fucking nonsense.
Best wishes. Fully understand. I can't say much or I'll just get pissed off from my past.
@FvckY0u I'm good. Haven't had any contact in 5 or 6 years.
Sorry about your kid. Mine wee all grown by the time I gave up. Of course, and this started before the divorce fully happened, both boys stopped talking to her. She probably blames me, but I know why, her problem.
Divorce is always rough, even under the best of circumstances. I'm sorry you're going through that. It sounds like a rough one. I went through one after 30 years of marriage. It wasn't messy, as the kids were grown...just sad. We're still friends. As for narcissists, you are better off going no contact, but losing your daughter to it is the worst part. When she becomes an adult, she may decide she wants a relationship with you. It's not my place to give you advice, but if it were me, I'd leave that door wide open. My sister is a narcissist, so I understand. Nobody can make you feel as crappy as a narcissist can. You are taking that back. She can't have that power over you anymore. My sister is almost completely out of my life, and 1,000 miles away. Whew! it feels pretty good. Good luck to you.
Divorce is a bitch! My ex kept taking me to court for stupid shit! One time he thought he could take the house back when both kid's moved out, he didn't get shit, just scolded by the judge who also scolded his lawyer. Another time he tried suing me for $6000.00 for our daughter's braces, she was already 19 year's old and decided she wanted to live with him. My lawyer called me to go to his office, he called my exes lawyer on speaker phone and told his lawyer that he knows he's not going to get shit again, his lawyer said well he pays him $1500.00 in cash so he , his lawyer gets paid for doing nothing. Yeah, narcissists lose too!
Hope all goes well for you, take deep breaths and try to just go with the flow or drink some beers and play metal, fuck it, that's what I do!
@FvckY0u You're welcome ! Metal music has saved me multiple times throughout my year's! Hope you enjoy your evening!