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LINK Long Covid is responsible for about a third of unfilled jobs in the U.S., new research suggests

(My sister got Long Covid, and it was two months before she hand enough energy to work half days... which is all she has been able to do. I think with further research scientists will find that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is caused by a less virulent kind of corona virus, as the symptoms of Long Covid and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome seem to be the same.)

America’s ongoing labor shortage begs an important question: Where have all the workers gone?

There are 10.7 million unfilled jobs in the U.S., according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some economists point to the high numbers of workers quitting amid the Great Resignation. New research highlights another troubling factor that may bear part of the blame: long Covid.

A Brookings Institution report published Wednesday says an estimated 16 million Americans between ages 18 to 65 are experiencing Covid symptoms long after infection. The condition, dubbed long Covid, can include brain fog, fatigue, breathing problems, muscle pain, headache, chest pain and even anxiety or depression — all symptoms that can make it challenging for people to work. ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 28

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Covid is part of the problem . The rest is that those people are lazy and others are lazy . And rather receive an hand out.

I've known people who had chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms are pretty much identical to what is now called "Long Covid". It is real. They just don't understand what causes it. As I said, I suspect tht in time they will find a different corona virus will likely turn out to be the cause, the only difference is that the virus that will turn out to cause chronic fatigue syndrome, just didn't cause a lot of deaths. Remember the common cold is a type of corona virus. So, an unknown corona virus that causes cold like symptoms could in some cases have the long term effect of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

We live in an imperfect world where the individual has very little protection from the wilful depradations of governments & corporations employing lawyers to circumvent what few inadequate rules prevent them from obtaining free handouts or as happens in many cases simply stealing from the individual because of their superior ability to do so.
Therefore if some individual has managed to gain what you call a free handout good luck to them. In reality they have gained little as what you perceive to be largesse usually results in the recipient having to live in a standard usually only ¼ or less that of everyone else who is now provided with an easy target of condemnation & inferiority.
Have you ever considered that it may be your selfish stupidity & deliberate indoctrination by governments & corporations that has resulted in your attitude to those you call out to be lazy? I have seen many employed people who do not work for most of their shift but hold their hand out at the end of it to be paid


And politicians & economists think that they can continue to spend as if the world is as it was in 2019.

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